The Next Generation

Our Wednesday night class is focusing on how we can help our children & grandchildren develop spiritually based on the facts found in God’s Word. This month we are focusing on 21st century challenges, understanding social media, the next generation’s faith staying with them into adulthood, and what God expects us to leave our children.Hands

Isaiah 54:13 tells us the expectation God has for us as parents & grandparents. “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.” Children are gifts from God. We have a responsibility to teach them in a way that is both pleasing to God while laying the foundation for continued spiritual growth.

Proverbs 17:6 further places the responsibility on us as parents to make sure we have done our best to teach our children about sin, salvation, and eternity. “Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father.”

Our children & grandchildren need their family and congregations more than ever! Statistics tell us it takes a relationship with five adults in the church for one child to remain faithful into adulthood!

We can do many things to strengthen our next generation’s relationship with the Father. God has to be seen as a priority by the congregation. We have to be intentional in reaching out to our kids and letting them know being a Christian is a lifestyle and not a hobby.

We must look for ways to be involved with our children “inside” and “outside” of the building. We can’t be lukewarm & expect our kids to be faithful. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 gives us the formula for letting the next generation see what Christian commitment is. Our kids are asking questions like the Bereans in Acts 17:11. We must help them locate the answers so the next generation of Christians is not the last.