Bulletin Article Topics

    Do you like “Bulletin Articles?” Well, I do. I always have. Scripturally supported and Bible based articles have always been and continue to be a very effective teaching tool and uplifting. I am appreciative of the opportunity to write weekly articles for our bulletin. Why? Because I hope in some small way, I am enlightening and encouraging the reader in a way that pleases God. Additionally, when I submit an article, I have completed research on a given topic, studied the results of the investigation, and read over the typed column before hitting the send button. Hence, I receive a Bible lesson every time I write an article.

We are a few days into a new year filled with new hopes, dreams, goals, and plans. I hope, as you prepare for this year, you aspire to know more about what God is saying to us through the Bible. As you plan 2022, please send me Biblical topics, questions, or concerns that you would like to know more about. My plan is to respond to your suggestions throughout the year through this column. If you will do this, several things will happen: you, me, and everyone who reads this column will learn more about what God is teaching us!

You can submit your topics of interest, questions, or concerns relating to the Bible by email to: allenjones_88@yahoo.com or allen@sgcofc.com. You can text me or call me at 270-670-8345 as well. You can always tell me in person as I would love to talk with you. I hope you will consider this request.

Paul Sain reminds us, “We are admonished to ‘study’ to be ‘approved unto God’ (II Tim. 2:15). It is vital that we follow the Bereans’ example as they ‘searched the scriptures daily…’ (Acts 17:11).”

I am thankful for each one of you! I look forward to serving God with you in 2022. I love you! I hope the rest of 2022 is grand for you!