Dealing With Attacks and What Can We Learn?

 How many of us feel that most days of our life everything is “good?”  Or, if someone asks how things are going, we might say, “I’m good, all good.”  I enjoy my days when things are going “well,” or as we say, “good.”  But, like the weather in Kentucky, if we will hang on for a day or two, things change quickly!  Beautiful, warm, and clear skies can turn to ugly, cold, and cloudy skies!  Based on Genesis 3, we shouldn’t be surprised that Satan is still seeking to create problems for us!  We all can agree that if we monitor the news cycle (years ago it was updated four or five times a day, now it is updated four or five times a minute) we understand the world or someone in it is constantly under attack!  One of the biggest pieces of news of late that deals with shaking up our “good days” and is being reported by networks and our government officials, is that of China attacking our country digitally!  

I will be the first one to profess beyond being a daily cellphone user (texting, calling, emailing, Google, word processing and using the internet), my understanding of the cyber world falls off pretty quick. We all agree that how we receive our basic needs are controlled by a computer somewhere.  For example, the water that is pumped to our house is driven by technology, the electricity going to our home is originated, monitored, and delivered by a computer system. The list goes on! Even the fuel we put into our vehicles is coming from a computer generated pump. What’s the point?  One of our rivals (China) is reportedly seeking to disable our infrastructure so we are limited to respond in the event they choose to attack us or one of our interests across the world. Imagine how crippled we would be if all of our basic needs were just shutdown! (Example- remember the 1994 ice storm?)

Yes! This is concerning! Knowing this has created some angst in our nation as well as our nation’s intelligence gathers. The good news is this, we (USA), are aware and are monitoring the situation by being proactive. We are countering any potential threats by putting security measures in place. Note:  China has accessed some of our infrastructure the last few years. We may be attacked on a larger scale, but we are aware, we are concerned, and we are becoming stronger against these attacks.  

What’s the spiritual application? No one wants a fight or a struggle, but where does our desire to be strong come from?  Humanity has been under attack by Satan for a long time, God was/is aware, and a plan is in place.  Genesis 3:15John 3:16Romans 5:6, and so many other verses instruct us of God’s plan against the attacks of Satan. Our response to all attacks makes us stronger and gives us confidence (Romans 8:37).  

We may be attacked by China, but we won’t be surprised.  Wars fought by humans have evolving strategies, the war fought by Satan has never changed (I Peter 5:8).  No one wants to be attacked, but may we learn from the past by being aware, may we be prepared by being faithful, and may we give our lives to Christ & He will give us life! Being attacked by Satan is inevitable, our response to Christ is intentional.  When it comes to being attacked and our retort, we can either give in, give up, or give it all we’ve got!