Encouragement Takes Courage

We all could list a multitude of things that are challenging us this very minute!  I think we all would admit, it is difficult to get through the day at times when we think of all the expected and unexpected challenges we deal with daily.  Aubrey Johnson says in his commentary, “The Barnabas Factor, Realize Your Encouragement Potential,” that encouragers are needed today! He goes on to say, “Yet never has the need for encouragement been greater than today. Watching the evening news, one quickly gets a sense that man’s search for meaning and happiness has been misguided and unsatisfying.  That thread is especially evident among America’s youth. The rate of attempted suicide among teens is an indication that they are deeply discouraged. Gang involvement is another clear cry for help. If adolescents do not receive attention and support from parents, they will find it among peers.  They desperately want to feel a sense of belonging and to know they matter to others.  That desire to belong is so strong that young people will place themselves in great personal jeopardy to satisfy it.  Numerous types of risky or self-destructive behavior are related to a lack of encouragement.”  Aubrey’s comments are also applicable to adults as well. The point is this, encouragement is needed across all generations and demographics. While seeking to encourage others and ourselves may be daunting, may we realize, an opportunity exists!  May we consider courage in the face of discouragement…

-Courage is expected of God’s people.

Be of good courage- Deuteronomy 31:22-23

Be strong & have courage- Psalm 27:14

Stand fast, striving together- Philippians 1:27

-We can demonstrate courage.

Seeking first the kingdom- Matthew 6:33

Faithfully follow Christ- Matthew 10:22

Endure persecution.- II Timothy 3:12

As we survey what is facing us today and this week, may we remember another point from Aubrey’s work, “In his second letter to Timothy, Paul made the marvelous declaration that ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’ (Timothy 1:7).’”