God Knows

“Why even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7)

What a thrill to consider how wonderful and powerful the God of heaven really is! It is so

humbling to thing about the endless number of things that He can easily do that are impossible for you and me.

For example, God is the one who can count the humanly uncountable! He can count the clouds, the grains, number of streams, the length of heaven, the number of stars, etc. He can even count the very number of hairs on our heads! While you and I have so many questions and there are things that remain a mystery to is, it is so comforting to be connected to a loving God who knows all the answers.

Commenting on this passage in Luke, John Piper wrote: “The suffering you many undergo in speaking the truth is not because God is disinterested in your or unfamiliar with your plight. He is close enough to separate one hair from another and give each one a number. Fear not; He is close. He is interested; He cares.

Thank you, God, for knowing all and still loving us….please help us to rest secure in this understanding.