If Tomorrow Never Comes…

A few years ago, the song entitled “If Tomorrow Never Comes” was popular. The point of the song is to be sure and tell those around us how much they mean to us before their life or our life ends. This means telling someone we love them and showing them how much concern we have for them. The greatest thing we can say to others is to tell them Jesus Christ died for all of us (John 3:16). Affection, care, and concern are things we can show others while we still can, before our time on earth ends (Hebrews 9:27). Today, let’s remember:

Galatians 6:10: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all especially to those who are of the household of faith. While time permits, we are to do good to all men, especially the brethren.

I Timothy 5:8-16: Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. We must remember to visit (care for) orphans & widows while helping them with their needs.

Galatians 2:10: They desired only that we should remember the poor, the very thing which I also was eager to do. People are “poor” in various ways. The church must provide an opportunity to assist those who are physically & spiritually needy. “The church is not giving a handout but a hand up!”

If you are reading this, chances are you have obeyed the Gospel (Rom. 10:17, Heb. 11:6, Acts 2:38, Matt. 10:32-33, Mark 16:15-16, Rev. 2:10). Being a child of God is the greatest label we can have. Being a child of God also carries great responsibility. Let’s do all we can while we can (II Peter 3:10).