In God We Trust

Much has been made of legislation in Kentucky requiring public schools to post the phrase, “In God We Trust.” Some schools have totally embraced this law by very clearly and boldly making these words visible while other schools have done all they can to barely meet the requirement of displaying these four words.

I am thankful these words are mandated to be placed in the public arena. The challenge to all of us is to not allow our dedication and commitment as Christians be replaced with four words. When we make the commitment to trust God, we are saying our actions will match that trust. The point is this, let’s live out the phrase “In God We Trust” by:

  1. Seeking opportunities to give a “hand up” instead of a “handout” both spiritually & physically. We see in Luke 10:25-37, someone in need and someone intervenes. The Parable Of The Good Samaritan teaches not to allow barriers of any kind to prevent us from making an effort to assist those in need. Trusting God allows us to extend a hand, reflect Christ and show mercy.
  2. Our trust in God should motivate us to show others that they have an opportunity to work in the church and help others find employment in society. Through benevolence, we can point those who are seeking purpose to 1 Corinthians 15:58 (the Lord expects all of us to grow and abound in the work of the Lord). In most cases of assisting others physically, we can also remind those asking for help, we can help them find employment so they can be self-sufficient.
  3. Behave in such a way that we diligently work for the Kingdom and not anxiously worry about ourselves. When we “trust in God,” we reflect Hebrews 11:6 and show our faith is centered on pleasing God.

Let us use the momentum of the posting our allegiance to our Creator by seeking ways to show that trust. If we seize this opportunity, the world will see in word and deed where trust should be placed!