Politics, Celebrities, Sports, & Stuff

It’s been a great weekend. I was blessed to spend time with older generations of my family Saturday & fish with some of my extended family later in the day. I was given the opportunity to teach Bible class and worship our Heavenly Father Sunday with my immediate family.

During the week, I long for these type weekends. I hope you do too! It’s 10:17 PM and I am reminded Monday is only a few hours away. I am appreciative to have a full-time job to go to & I love what I do. However, as I reflect on my weekend and point towards the work week, I know what awaits: timelines, deadlines, work expectations and the list goes on. Additionally, I, like you, will begin to be inundated with news feeds telling me “who’s right, who’s left, who’s popular, who’s a winner and who’s important in the world” as the week unfolds.

What does Hebrews 9:27 say? “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement.” When we are putting our “stock and trade” into all of the worldly things that do not matter, we are in danger of not having our priorities in order. We all have a limited number of sunsets. What are we focusing on?

What does Isaiah 59:2 say? “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and you sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” When our priorities do not include God at the very top, we will be cut off from the only One who can save us, guide us through the world and provide us the hope of Heaven!

I, like you, follow politics, am aware of celebrities, enjoy sports & work for things such as clothes & cars. However, let’s make sure we reflect Christ this week and not politics, celebrities, sports & stuff!