Strengths & Weaknesses

    May we realize we all have good traits and bad traits.  We all have nice qualities and we all have qualities that may repel others or limit our ability to achieve in life.  The church has areas to highlight while also containing necessary areas which need changing!  We should never find ourselves with an attitude of aloofness, entitlement, or arrogance which would fool us in to thinking we’ve got it all figured out and behave how we want!  

The Seven Churches in Asia had some positive qualities, but just about all of them received a verdict from Jesus to “listen, heed the instructions, and make application,” quickly! Seven times, as He addresses each church, Jesus says, “I know your works” and seven times He says, “He who has an ear, let him ear.”  Meaning, Jesus takes on the role of “Chief Inspector” not only for those listed in Revelation, but for us as well.  We, like those identified by Christ in Revelation chapter two and three, have some positive qualities, but we must embrace a desire to have awareness to make sure we are lining up with the expectations of our Lord.  We know the Jesus is always  in our midst.  Wayne Jackson says in his commentary on the New Testament, “Jesus was said to be “in the midst” of the seven golden lamp stands that represented seven congregations of the Lord’s body in Asia (Rev. 1:13, 20). Later, Christ was characterized as “he who walks [present tense—constantly walks] among the seven golden lamp stands” (Rev. 2:1). “ Jesus knew then and He knows now what is happening in our lives and whether or not we are seeking first the kingdom  (Matthew 6:33) and focused on The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).  

When reading Revelation 2:1-3:22, we see Jesus not only provides commendations, but also condemnations for the Seven Churches.  The epistles to the seven churches follow a general pattern of development. They contain: a salutation from the Lord; a commendation of virtues when justified; a condemnation of wrongs where such was needed; an exhortation to continued fidelity; and finally, a promise of exaltation to those who overcome.  The points are still very much relevant for us today!  It is to be noted that with each case of a condemnation, Jesus provides the opportunity to repent, transform, and return to Him.  

When we read of expectations, we should be reminded of applications.  As we seek to not only be productive, how can we be pleasing? The Lord desires churches that are:  are obedient to his word, are energetic, endure against opposition, are sound in doctrine, are tireless in their labor, are courageous in the face of death, are loving in disposition, are confident, trusting God, grow spiritually and numerically, are pure, are penitent, refuse to tolerate false teaching, discipline wayward members, are stable, are zealous, practice self-evaluation, and welcome Christ as an abiding presence.  Let’s maintain our strengths and improve our weaknesses.