The Big Picture

Many years ago, I worked for a Principal who is probably in my top three “school bosses” that was my supervisor as being one of my favorites.  He was a good “manager” but not a good “leader.”  There is a difference!  He wasn’t necessarily inspiring, but he liked a “low-pressure” work environment.  During faculty meetings or one on one meetings, he would challenge the group or you to just stay focused on the “big picture.”  Meaning, we know each day is filled with challenges and sometimes very intense situations; that idea is a given.  His attitude was an attempt to maintain our sanity and not to lose focus of our purpose and mission. He wanted us to look down the road and not get caught up in the moment.  I learned that in order to reach our destination, we must not be derailed.

As Christians, the “big picture” for us is Heaven!  We are truly on a journey that has attached to it the ultimate destination. My last aunt passed away a few summers ago and when discussing life, I heard her say, “This is just a dressing room.”  She was implying, our activities here on earth are getting us ready for what is to come.  We know it is up to us to choose obedience to the Plan of Salvation versus man’s instructions and devious ways.  Our focus is on “what is to come” for us.  Our goal of Heaven should inspire us to know more, be more, and serve more. 

We are thankful to have abundant descriptions of Heaven by inspired authors in Scripture! Some Bible writers attempt to explain points or aspects of the appearance of Heaven.  In 1 Peter 1:4, Peter chooses to explain what Heaven “won’t be like.”  Scripture says, “to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.”  We are all focused on the latest trend, fashion, or brand because that is what is happening “now.”  When we do this, we should realize that so many things in our life are temporary and are tainted by a fallen world.  Our homes, vehicles, clothes, and our bodies are withering despite our efforts and wishes.  The good news is Heaven is the total opposite!  Heaven won’t be a place that can be defiled as the earth has become in many ways.  Our new home above will be perfect each day for the rest of the days and will never fade away!  

Focusing on the “big picture” keeps us motivated.  While working for the gentleman I led this article with, during that time, I also worked with a fellow teacher who began her “countdown to retirement” five years out!  Then and now, I have always thought how sad that attitude was.  What I gathered from her behavior was she didn’t like what she was doing for a living, but she was too far invested with the job/retirement to make a change, and she was so focused on the end, she became less of what she could’ve been for herself and the kids she was serving.  Hence, her motivation to plug through each day was misplaced. She was looking at the wrong “big picture.”  

We know in Proverbs 9:-10-12, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, God wants us to live out our faith based on our knowing of eternal rest for the faithful, not starting a countdown to the end.  May we live a life that is based on preparation, anticipation, and thankfulness.  Let’s stay focused on the big picture!