The Classroom’s Pulpit – How Can We Assist Our Children?

             It is not news to you, the “start of school” as we know it, is about to commence!  While many plans are being made for “school shopping” for new clothes and school supplies, are we making plans to support, encourage, and shield our children from all the many spiritual and theological challenges they will be facing?  I, like most of you, am from a generation where “school” was a place of learning which prepared one for whatever higher education or career path that was chosen.  Well, some of those things are still happening today, but our public schools are becoming less friendly towards any ideas that promote religion, Jesus, or anything that doesn’t resemble an overall acceptance of ALL ideas.  “Our” children are entering into what could resemble a hostile learning environment not only from their peers, but due to policies & procedures that are being advanced by our educational system.  As most of you know, I am a public school teacher.  I am starting year twenty-eight.  Public school educated me out of poverty; for that, I am thankful.  We had two children complete twelve years (thirteen if you count kindergarten) of public school education.  We are thankful for everyone along the way who helped them, supported them, and nurtured them.  However, our kids received their fair share of comments towards them that challenged their belief system!  Additionally, our kids experienced some alienation not only from peers, but occasionally from staff.  We know that at some point we all have to defend what we believe and learn how to deal with engagement.  But as parents, we must remember we have an obligation to prepare and support our kids with these challenges because the “rubber will meet the road” beginning in elementary school.  I can remember one of our kids expressed concern about an upcoming exam and one of their teachers, knowing their spiritual affiliation, sarcastically said, “Well, honey, just pray about it!”  Much can be learned from being challenged.  As you shop for backpacks and new pens/pencils, allow me to share with you what we learned as parents when we made mistakes, but prepared our kids for their encounters:

What are our children facing?

1. Curriculum that is developed by politicians and not by educators or workforce leaders.

2. A school culture where those who oppose the agenda of the mainstream (generalizing of truth, total acceptance of all human behaviors– they may be “legal,” but most culture ideals are immoral) will be alienated.  

3. A limited platform when voicing any concerns when the instruction is theological, philosophical, political, or spiritual. 

How can children prepare themselves? 

1. Our children must realize they have a right to voice their belief system in an appropriate manner.

2. Our children must educate themselves as they grow older by desiring to participate in youth focused activities and attend worship.

3. Our children must learn or feel free to ask questions or share their concerns with parents, family, and the church.  

What can we (parents) do to help them? 

1. We as parents, if we are choosing public school education for our children, must be visible & vocal at school.

2. We must set high expectations for our children in relation to church attendance, church participation, and constantly reiterate that youth/church activities must take precedent over extracurricular activities.

3. We must create a culture where our kids can come to us with anything, ask questions, and seek our attention/guidance. (We don’t always know the answers, but we can put forth effort in finding one!)

Based on an August 2, 2022 article in Focus Press magazine, “Even by conservative estimates, New Testament Christians are losing between 60% and 90% of our young people after they graduate from high school. We are losing the cultural and spiritual war that has been waged on our families.” As each day begins with getting ready for school, may we ask, “How can we assist our children?”