We Need The Church

This time of year for a long time has been referred to as “Open Enrollment.”  If you  work in the “public sector” and are provided some insurance benefits, this is the time of year that changes are made to those benefits.  Meaning, if you want additional insurance coverage or you want to choose different “coverage,” you get approximately a one month window to make any changes.  Most people who participate in “Open Enrollment” are teachers and most state employees.  Of course, the insured pays a premium consistent with the type of plan chosen (insurance coverage isn’t free).  Many refer to this as a “benefit.”  While this is used and appreciated in the public sector, we, as Christians get to participate in “benefits” of the church.

The church continues to offer all of the same benefits it has always offered. We sometimes chase after what the world offers. We invest hours upon hours to ensure we will secure “status” or significance in society. We prepare ourselves and our children for opportunities that will put us in a position to secure a lofty salary or benefits package.

There is nothing wrong with having a vision for yourself and your family while teaching our children & grandchildren to develop skills so they will enjoy a standard of living. However, we sometimes lose focus chasing the benefits of the world while ignoring the benefits of the church. Allen Webster highlights several benefits and rewards of embracing what the church offers. Webster writes that Christians enjoy a peace that passes understanding (Matthew 11:28), a free religious education (Acts 2:42), acceptance & community (Acts 2:42Acts 2:1Acts 2:44), and access to the eternal God (Acts 2:42).

Additional coverage from Scripture: Psalm 119:105– God’s Word is a lamp; 2 Corinthians 2:14 & Philippians 4:13– God’s Word motivates us; Ephesians 5:22-33-God’s Word provides abundant information to help us strengthen our marriage & family; and Matthew 7:12– God’s Word teaches us how to treat others.  

Goals and dreams are perfectly fine to have and to share with our family. True success can be realized if we take inventory of our life (1 Corinthians 11:28), go to the right source (Romans 1:16), serve God heartily (Colossians 3:23), do the will of God (Matthew 7:21), and be faithful to receive the eternal reward (Matthew 25:46). The greatest benefits come from being in a right relationship with our Heavenly Father. The church has much to offer. Making a commitment to Christ will allow us to see the church’s security far outweighs our ambitions.