What’s The Answer?

It seems there is no end in sight in our world and society when it comes to conflict and division. Sin separates us from God but also creates conflict with humanity. As I type, our government is divided on just about all issues and our country continues to brace for division and protests. We live in a wonderful country that promotes debate and discussion. We also live in a country where broken homes are prevalent, and generations are growing up divided without any or very little concept of unity. More and more generations move into adulthood knowing more about how to argue “the question” but have very little concept of “the answer.” The answer to our problems and all problems is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). While a disgruntled and disheartened population moves about within our great country’s borders, Christ should rule our heart!

The world teaches us about barriers, Scripture teachers us about bridges. A pathway to reconciliation is founded on a desire to receive the crown of life (Revelation 2:10b). We should grow our families, ourselves, and society based on the unity found in Scripture:

· One body– Ephesians 4:4

· One Spirit– Ephesians 4:4

· One hope– Ephesians 4:4

· One Lord– Ephesians 4:5

· One faith– Ephesians 4:5

· One baptism– Ephesians 4:5

· One God & Father of all– Ephesians 4:6

Seeing world leaders, government leaders, and our citizenry struggle with unrest is painful. But knowing Jesus wants us to treat others with love is motivating.

When we focus on Christ, we take our eyes off conflict. We can have “oneness” when we realize the only One that can solve our problems is Jesus Christ. When we realize this, we will have the Answer.