“Who ya voting for? Why would you do that?”

These questions and more abound this time of year!  You know what time it is.  It’s almost Election Day.  Many running for office along with their camps and supporters have been looking for this date for a while!  We know how it works.  At first everyone who is running for office is cordial and nice to the competition.  Then, generally speaking, as we turn the pages on the calendar and the pressure ramps as “the day” approaches, barbs, one liners, and zingers come in to play along with a lot of plain old ugly behavior both in the media and on personal social media accounts.  This is never good.  Clean competition, politeness, and chivalry are becoming more rare than every before.  We, as Christians, may fall into the fray accidentally, subconsciously, or maybe even intentionally depending on our commitment to politics at all levels.   Please know, I think we live in the greatest country in the world.  While far from perfect, we are allowed to vote, or not vote, protest, and share our grievances within the parameters of civility.  For all of this and more, I’m so thankful.  

May we remember that our patriotic allegiance to country does not supersede our faithful commitment to Christ.  I too, am easily distracted and sometimes frustrated by the things and happenings around me which pushes me to voice my concerns politically at the voting booth, but what brings me back in focus is my desire to serve in God’s Kingdom and seek the treasure that awaits in Heaven for us.  

Matthew 13:44-45 says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,.”  Friends and family, what awaits us far outweighs and outshines any political race or political party we are connected to.  We all get spirited from time to time, but may we never disgust God or offend anyone because of the energy we bring when it comes to politics.  

Our friend and brother in Christ , Jesse Wagner, shared these thoughts a few years back  regarding Election Day:  “When the election is over you should renew your trust in God’s sovereignty, reaffirm your Heavenly citizenship, refocus your primary mission of serving Him, resolve to give leaders their due (respect authority) and continue to focus on being a peacemaker because we serve the Prince of Peace.” 

Win or lose, may we give thanks for our freedom and opportunity to participate in the political process how we wish, but may we never lose our soul over slanderous behavior.  We want to bring others to Christ, not push them towards the world.  The day after Election Day will be another opportunity to evangelize and share the Gospel.  May we always be known as a faithful Christian and not just a political ally!