Why I Attend Services on Wednesday Night

Recently, Brother Neal Pollard shared this post at
www.preacherpollard.com. I would like to share a few
of his reasons and encourage you to visit his website.

-I need the fellowship of Christian family in the middle of the week spent exposed to the world.

-I draw strength from the teaching of God’s Word and the comments others make on the subject being studied.

-Bible class teachers have taken precious time to prepare & deliver their material.

-I believe God is pleased with my making such a commitment and a sacrifice, though it’s so little compared to all that He had done for me.

-It builds my interest in spiritual things.

-My family is guided by my leadership & priorities.

-I want to.

We should seek every opportunity to be with the
church and learn about God (II Tim. 2:15) & show our
love for the Lord (John 14:15). Relationships requires
desire, time and effort. Attending all services of the
church is time well spent. Let’s make sure we are
spending our time wisely.