244, and Counting!

I love The United States Of America! We celebrated our country’s 244th birthday this past weekend. I am so thankful for all the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of this nation. We continue to enjoy these freedoms due to our wonderful armed services made up of dedicated men and women. I have always been a student of history (wanting to be a History Teacher once upon a time). We see from history, the Lord’s church has and continues to have a tremendously positive impact on our nation, our state, and community. Why? Because as Christians, we seek to follow Christ. When humanity demonstrates a close relationship with Jesus, prosperity follows. Knowing this should cause us to use the freedoms we enjoy to share The Good News! Living in the U.S.A. allows us to express the message of Jesus Christ freely.

Like Christ, we must be loving and kind (Romans 5:7-8). Christ hated wrong and evil (John 8:46) and so should we. As we strive to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ (II Timothy 2:3), let us fight the good fight of faith (I Timothy 6:12). We cannot be neutral (Matthew 12:30; 6:24) and our spiritual weapons are mighty through God (II Corinthians 10:4).

Let us use the opportunities we have each day to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3) publicly (Acts 18:28) as we stand against the devil (Ephesians 6:11).

As we move towards our great country’s 245th birthday, may we seek to be thankful for the freedoms we have as Americans, but as Christians may we strive to share the freedom from sin through Jesus with others.