Moved by WHAT?

What is it that moves you? What is it that really gets your attention? What really lights your fire and causes you to speak up and act out?

The disciple of Jesus should be very concerned about the answer to these questions.

Passion is a good thing. God has created us to be passionate.

However, God has created us to be passionate about the right things.

Consider the example of Ezra the scribe in Ezra chapter 9.

It is discovered that the people had not separated themselves from the people of the land. This violation of God’s will led to the sinful practices of idolatry and all that comes with that.

Being confronted with such sin, Ezra was shaken to his core (9:3-5).

What would have to happen for you to literally pull your hair out?

What would cause you to tear the clothes you are wearing?

What would cause you to fast and pray for hours?

All too often, we are moved by the silliest and most insignificant of things.

Most social media fights are over the trivial and inconsequential.

Most arguments at work are the result of ego and pride.

If we are honest with ourselves, most of us would have to admit that we get too focused and unduly worked up over irrelevant and unimportant issues.

The mature Christian realizes this – uproots it – and begins to focus on what really matters!

May the truth be known, loved, practiced, and taught.

May Jesus be loved, emulated, and shared with a desperate world.

Let us be moved by the Gospel.

Let us be passionate about the proper things.