We Don’t Have To Work, We Get To!

 While in Bible class recently, we were discussing two ideas in relation to “work:” 1.  The blessings of work. 2.  The Christian’s work ethic.  During our discussion, it was said when it comes to our jobs and service in the church, we need to have the attitude that “work” is not only a choice, but an opportunity.  Currently, one of the more current or big topics of discussion is the idea of the struggle to find people to participate in the American workforce.  

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for January of 2022, the unemployment rate in our country is 4.0% with 6.5 million people unemployed!  The report reminds us these numbers are an improvement from 2020.  Those two numbers caught my eye and attention reminding me of the importance the secular arena places on the need for “work.”  We all have been impacted by worker shortages for almost two years.  Either we struggle to experience the customer service we once enjoyed because of a low number of people not showing up to work, or we have had extra work added to us in our workplace because of shortages.  

Additional information from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics stated the last day of December (2021), 10.9 million jobs were “available.”   Much could be said as to the reason or reasons why so many jobs exist or why so many people are unemployed.  However, based on the numbers, we can see how important “work” is.  

Work is to be valued and sought after, but let us remember that “work” is not a burden in the workplace or in the church.  Isaac Bourne wrote recently in his article, “Work Is A Blessing,” that “Work is meant to be a blessing.  It gives us an avenue to be challenged and grow.  It gives us the ability to see our physical needs and the physical needs of others (Ephesians 4:28).  But unfortunately, man in many ways can make it into a curse.  If we let work consume our lives and burn us out then we have failed to accept it as God’s gift.  If we pour ourselves into work but lose ourselves emotionally and spiritually then we have once again turned work into an unnecessary burden.”   

As Christians, may we find “balance” in both the secular workplace and our service within the church.  Also as Christians, we have an opportunity to impact others with the Gospel image not only in the church setting, but also as we move about each an everyday in our various capacities in our community.  Christians are to be a light, energized, and an encouragement as we strive to walk with Christ.  

Scripture reminds us to:  

1. Have great zeal.  Colossians 4:13

2. Be zealous of good works.  Titus 2:14

3. Boldly speak God’s will.  Acts 4:13, 18-20

4. Be teaching things of God.  Romans 15:18-21

5. Earnestly contend for the faith.  Jude 3

Let us take a minute to appreciate the blessings of work and the opportunity it provides us to make a difference in our life, but also in the lives of others as we seek to not only be prosperous, but persistent in expanding the borders of God’s Kingdom.